About Us

Skywater Capital was established in Singapore in February 2021 by several senior blockchain investors. Skywater Capital's general partners are all graduate or doctoral degrees, and are located in Singapore, Europe and China.
Skywater Capital is an investment institution specializing in blockchain investment, with direct investment funds and the fund of funds(FoF-1).
Corporate vision: to become a world-class blockchain investment institution.
Corporate philosophy: LP and GP together obtain the profits of the growth of the blockchain industry.
Three Funds:
Skywater Capital is positioned to invest in tokens in the blockchain industry, including the primary market and the secondary market. Skywater Capital currently contains three funds, namely Skywater Capital I(SC-1), Skywater Capital II(SC-2), and Skywater Capital Fund of Funds (FoF-1).
Skywater Capital‘s direct investment fund, (SC-1) and (SC-2) are two direct investment funds. More than 10 projects have been invested, including Idavoll (IDV), which has invested more than 10 times return, and 5 times return Filecoin (FIL) mining machine, etc.
Skywater Capital (FoF-1), this is a fund of funds that has been dedicated to investing in the world's top blockchain funds. The goal of the fund is to find the funds with the highest yield among the world's Top100 blockchain funds, to invest and obtain profits.